DEI by Matthew Bamberg
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion DEI is studying protests and so much more. |
Meticulously edited links for Common Core Standards and related lessons. All links are live functioning and have been reviewed for quality. Matthew Bamberg is a writer, educator, and photographer, an adjunct professor at two universities, and has had 12 books published on photography and technology.
· Definition: An author sometimes give the definition in his or her own words that corresponds to one of the meanings of the words.
For instance: Donald Trump lugubrious tactics for getting attention is ignored by many people because he tells lies that are often ridiculous and makes some people sad for the state of American politics.
· Inference--The author gives the reader reasoning about the word after it's mentioned.
For instance: A Wifi signal has become ubiquitous in so many coffee shops that customers are surprised when they don't have it.
· Compare/Contrast--The author will create a comparison or contrast of a word that he/she thinks might help you to determine the word:
For instance: Clouds are amorphous unlike skyscrapers on a city skyline that form distinctive human-made shapes made by engineers.
· Logic: The writer uses logical information about what is already known about a word so the reader can guess the meaning.
For instance: Large birds like eagles and hawks have large claws so they can grab predators with them.
Context Cues Takeaway
One way for readers from children to seniors can recognize and comprehend challenging words is for students to learn the different ways authors give clues to them.
Readers can create better comprehension skills by learning about context cues. Additionally, writers who have knowledge about these essential tidbits of information will pen articles about complex subject-discipline topics so that a layperson can understand what they are reading.
For most Western philosophers, deep questioning is vital for comprehending many aspects of various communication.
The Election 2024 season can be aligned to Common Core ELA standards by implementing the following standards:
While I attempt to take ample spoonfuls of logic and reason before I utter a word, it doesn’t always happen. If I fail, I’ll try and try again. Interpreting philosophers is a challenging critical thinking task.
Although Western philosophers were wise and contributed significantly to the development of logic and reason, they always didn’t practice what they preached. Their suggestions for education are nonetheless valuable and worth considering.
My take on their ideas stems from many years of teaching students how to think critically in each discipline they learn. Each can be applied to the Common Core Standards above.
SOCRATES C. 470–399 B.C
Socrates believed that leaders can be confused and irrational.
Consider a situation where you question common beliefs. For example, some people have the idea that the weather causes earthquakes.
PLATO C. 427–347 B.C.
Reasoning that education included teaching about individual and social justice, Plato mused that every human soul wants to reach spiritual and higher truths to transform the world.
What activities can adults engage young people in to ensure that each develops to the best of his/her ability?
ARISTOTLE 384–322 B.C.
Concerned that education must include reasoning and ethics, Aristotle created the syllogism to ensure logic.
A syllogism includes a universal statement and an example, which leads to a conclusion to illustrate a logical argument.
For example, all humans are mortal. The writer of this article is human (as far as he knows). Therefore, the writer is mortal.
What syllogism would be valid about Election 2024?
Developing ideas, including analyzing criticism of them, was one of many ideas from Aquinas.
What are some ways adults can discuss ideas with each other and with children that teach that criticism can be constructive?
The mind works best by observation, yet it can lead to misconceptions by tricking itself, which was an important point made by Bacon.
How can people think together for better long-term circumstances?
According to my interpretation of Descartes, humans are better off using discipline as a mind exercise. Furthermore, every part of thought requires questioning, doubting, and the creation of logical examples that apply to it.
Should conversations require examination?
Critiques should be devoid of prejudice and false judgments and contain reflection through examples. The categorical imperative necessitates just behavior and understanding of the places science, ethics, and spirituality have in our lives.
How would you explain that science is based on years of testing and research?
JOHN LOCKE 1632–1704
Rulers must rationally respect citizens' life, liberty, and property rights as part of a government system and respect reasonable criticism about human needs from citizens, or else that government will be replaced.
How should political leaders react to constructive criticism to ensure it meets the basic needs of the people it serves?
JOHN DEWEY 1859–1952
Seeking to ensure education for all, Dewey insisted that learning includes hands-on practices and the information needed to participate in a robust democracy.
How can citizens increase their participation in supporting democracy and advocate for people to have a good life?
Realizing human understanding was complex, Adorno mused that humans see concrete and abstract objects and ideas as unique and that categorizing them limits knowledge of their nature.
How can society move and develop thinking about objects and ideas by respecting their uniqueness and complexity?
For democracy to work, considerations that outline its existence by the masters of Western political thought throughout the ages must remain fluid and open to the new ideas of a changing demographic to create a good life for all people.
Matthew Bamberg is a professor who teaches critical thinking courses to graduate university students.
Informational Text Reading Selection Lesson Plan Template for Elementary and Middle School Teachers
Relating critical theory to critical thinking can focus on classroom activities. With so many different cultures living in California, teachers and administrators drive student engagement by relating many content areas to a variety of cultures' "funds of knowledge"
1. The need to forego identity thinking as described by Theodor Adorno (placing people in groups or categories with predetermined roles) in order to give opportunities to others who are not in the dominant culture.
The unit about creating firebreaks in fire-prone areas of California taught us the importance of indigenous cultures active in scientific processes. Conventional thinking might conclude that firefighters developed these methods. Teaching students who assisted in the development scientific processes helps students to understand that the dominant culture is not responsible for all of the ideas used in technology. Our example from Week One proves that methods of creating firebreaks were first developed by indigenous people. Students can research both methods to write a compare/contrast essay of the methods used by both groups.
2. Lev Vygotsky's ideas of cooperative learning and the ZPD theory, leading to increased critical thinking.
3. Socrates idea of questioning common beliefs: See lesson at
4. Article relating Plato's ideas about social justice applied to science. See
5. Aristotle's idea that valid syllogistic reasoning can help with research. See video at
6. Literature and media criticism based upon Aquinas ideas about learning how criticisms is a necessary stage in developing ideas. Using peer reviews to improve critical thinking when writing. See
7. Ideas for developing and applying Paulo Friere's social justice theories in the classroom:
Integrating social justice into STEM education:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is outlawing topics of discussion that he believes would make white people uncomfortable in schools and public institutions. These topics include those associated with past struggles for racial equality and social justice.
The governor is leading a xenophobic movement that misses the point about anti-racist education by ignoring the effects of "white fragility," which is a researched theory about the psychological effects that occur when dominant ethno-racial groups of people learn about historical and current events that have wrecked havoc among the oppressed. Medical News Today explains that: "White fragility refers to feelings of discomfort a white person experiences when they witness discussions around racial inequality and injustice."
The behaviors and feelings associated with ignorance about social justice among white people are likely to promote racism. Discussions about race help white people get past their fears and guilt. Researchers quoted in Medical News Today have found that promoting racial stamina through education about oppression, white people may be able to manage racial stressors rather than ignoring or silencing them. Conscious and explicit engagement with people of different races can help break the pattern of fragile behaviors and actions related to race."
It might well be that DeSantis and others are wrong about the assumptions of harm that talking about racism in workplaces and schools might create.
The concept of "white privilege" is tops on the list of "WOKE" education and is being censored by the government in many states. See for yourself two different viewpoints about the term.
See the Forbes article, "Anti-Racism 101Clarify 'White Privilege' Once and for All" for more information about how the business community defines the term.
For a detailed explanation, see Learning for Justice article:
"What is White Privilege, Really?"
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Courtesy of Stoneybrook University |
As a masters in education (creative arts education) at SFSU (San Francisco State University), I've been able to create this online education blog for graduate students majoring in a wide variety of online education disciplines from multicultural education to English Language Learning.
Please feel free to add your ideas to assist online education students. Links are especially needed for resources in critical thinking and English language learners.
With my masters in education, I've been able to be a professor at UAGC, National University and the University of Phoenix, as well as having 12 how-to photography books published including the book, "Digital Art Photography for Dummies."
Educators and trainers can follow steps to deepen critical thinking throughout lessons using Bloom's Taxonomy. Critical thinking and social justice go hand-in-hand in education. Here's a simple way to create a social justice critical thinking lesson based upon an event in history and relating it to a topic today.
For example:
Create Master List of all issues to class to discuss vote on the best ideas for each issue. Graph data.
Teaching students to search for reliable information on the topic should look for search terms in Google that will lead them to accurate scientific information. While the article states the importance of teaching this topic to the next generation, it sidesteps how teachers can find accurate information about climate change.
Students, parents and teachers can investigate the reputable information about the topic with one simple set of search parameters on Google. The keywords are as follows:
NOAA climate change
It's a travesty that The Times' goals don't include informing people about NOAA, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration in its article about climate change. The article mentions the dire need for middle schoolers' education include more curriculum on climate change and that the NGSS, which is true, as the parties interested in this topic will find few resources connecting climate change to the NGSS standards. The climate change units that educators can find is useful, but doesn't cover the issue in depth.
It's true that the science standards do not cover the topic directly and The Times is not the first publication to note that. The facts about the lack of sources for climate change are described in detail in the Brock Education Journal article titled The Implementation of NGSS standards and the Tumultuous Fight to Implement Climate Change Awareness in Science Curricula. Even this academic article does not address how students and teachers fan find reputable sources on climate change.
I plea with the mainstream media that if they are going to write about the issue of education and climate change that they include how to access reputable resources where educators and students can find accurate information.